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To His Eminence, His Glory and known virtues thanks and praise to God, my great Lord, Mu’izz Al Sultana, Sardar Arfa’, the honourable, may God almighty preserve him a strength to Muslims and increase his honor and abilities as he is among the most obedient of Gods servants, the most generous, the most moral.

I witness your graciousness and your favor for the generosity of your kindness to us in your letter to your brother Sheikh Mubarak Al Sabah that has caused us to consider that we move to the land of Kuwait and we ask for protection from God, then from yourself for transgressions from different parties, for those under your protection remain dear to the people and Your Excellency is the master of those who know. This is what has to be presented to your side and you are the most victorious.


May peace be upon you.

Salman bin Humood Al Sabah (A member of the ruling family of Kuwait) 26 Shawwal 1323

Letter from Sheikh Mubarak al Sabah to Sheikh Khaz’al

To he who is praised for his generosity and his morals, who is of high majestic importance, Mu’izz Al Sultana, Sardar Arf’a, Prince of Nuyan, my brother Sheikh Khaz’al Khan the honorable, may his might endure.

After presenting greetings in great splendor and respect and the question on those whose attributes are praiseworthy, and that your eternal presence is prosperous and joyful, may God preserve you in that state after him. In the most blessed hour I received the brotherly hand of your generous administrators and they informed me of the presence of your joyous health dated 18-20 and you have shown kindness and pity for that I am more grateful and I praise you and pray for you more may God allow us to continue enjoying your existence and your long life for many years with blessed health glory and happiness. My brother, thanks to God, my health is getting better day by day I am tired but God willing it will get better. Your yacht, Mushrif, is here and God willing after my sickness disappears I will head in it towards your service on 3-4 I will come to see you and go back because, my brother, my mind is anxious and concerned for you, and my mind will not be at ease until I witness your glorious presence. May God not deprive us of it and I ask that he prolongs your life and that he immortalized your kindness. On the topic of palaces, the calculation of the value of the dates of Al Qasba and Al Minyuhi, and on the date 1-2 we will send over the revenues to your country with your servant Mula Saleh, so that he may deliver it to you and collect our revenues that are in your possession. This and the hope of eternal love between us, with our greetings, our son Chassib and his brothers and from us our sons Jabir and Salim send their salaam, and your servant Hamad kisses your hands and Abdulaziz and Abdullah al Sumait and all your companions pass on their salaam and their deep respect. Do not deprive us of the good news of your health.


Mubarak Al Sabah Ruler of Kuwait

Letter from Sheikh Salim Al Mubarak Al Sabah to Sheikh Khaz’al

To he who is praised for his generosity and his morals, who is of high importance, Mu’izz Al Sultana, Sardar Arf’a, Prince of Nuyan, my uncle Sheikh Khaz’al Khan the honorable, may his glory endure.

After presenting greetings in great splendor and respect and the question on those who have gathered the best of qualities and that your eternal presence is prosperous and joyful, may God preserve you in that state after him. In the most blessed hour we took in the hand of purity your dear letter dated the 3rd, the honour bestowed by His Majesty the King of Britain the Great on your son (referring to himself as son of Khaz’al). I thank your favour of us and I have received your congratulations with much praise and prayer for your everlasting longevity and glory and I ask God that we continue to enjoy your life and your mercy for many years. We have received your telegraph concerning congratulations and at the time we responded to you with a telegraph with the hope that you honor with your supreme discernment and that you are with good health and glory and happiness. This and the hope for your everlasting heartly guidance, our Salam to our brother Kasib and his brothers and from us the uncle Jabir sends his regards and the son Ahmad and his brothers kiss your hands and the rest send their regards and their great respect...may you remain in glory and honor.

8 Rabi '2, 1337 Salem Al-Mubarak Al Sabah
(Ruler of Kuwait)

Letter from Abdullah Bin Jiluwi to Sheikh Khaz’al

From Abdullah Bin Jiluwi to he who is most generous and most magnificent the Sheikh Khaz’al son of the late Hajj Jabir the honourable, may their glory endure Amen.

Peace and mercy of God be upon you always and the question on your dear heart may you continue to enjoy complete wellness and pleasure.

After, in the most blessed hour, we received your dear letter and we read it, joyous for the continuation of your presence and what you known was known. Your protected son Sheikh Kasib with his friends Sheikh Ahmed Al Jaber and Abdul’Latif Pasha Al Mandeel and all their companions have arrived to our side and on the day of Saturday they departed to their brother Imam Abdulaziz18. We ask God Almighty that they arrived safely and that he grants them success a companion and our hope is in God that they soon return after being successful in their mission and that God makes them the Apple of Your Eye.

This is what should have been set free and we hope for your everlasting intelligence and that the Almighty grants safety...

Dated 11 Jamada II 1339

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